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Yellow Emperor's classic medicine 中国医学

Yellow Emperor's classic medicine 中国医学[浏览mercari页面]

  • 现在价格:¥45(合900日元)

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卖家评价:2866 7

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  • 商品编号: m59461447443
    个数: 1
  • 上架时间: 2024/5/3 13:55:23
    商品成色: 二手
  • 日本邮费: 卖家承担
    可否退货: 不可以

the Yellow Emperor's classic of internal medicine 中国医学 The Yellow Emperor's Classic has become a landmark in the history of Chinese civilization. In recent years, traditional medical practice has seen a dynamic revival in China and throughout many countries in the Western world. Elements of this time-honored therapy, including acupuncture and the harmony of human spirit with the natural world, have become part of mainstream medical practice; The Yellow Emperor's Classic provides the historical and philosophical foundation of this practice. Ilza Veith provides an extensive introduction to her monumental translation of this classic work, which is written in the form of a dialogue in which the emperor seeks information from his minister Ch'I-Po on all questions of health and the art of healing. A new foreword by Ken Rose places the translation in its historic contexts, underlining its significance to the Western world's understanding of Chinese medicine.


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